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download icon editor lang en
Name: download icon editor lang en
Category: Download
Published: clarsendcamag1986
Language: English
I noticed that the reload nav button already had an option to preserve the selection - but seemed to depend on the refresh occuring within 1s of triggering reloadGrid - so I rewrote that to use the above syntax. jQuery Gr >Grid plugin. First, the grid constructor is written to create a grid for each element in the jQuery array that gets passed to it - the trouble is that they all end up sharing the same copy of "p", and "grid" - which is never going to work. I also did an alert on the rowID and it is also fine. 0 1 >40017998 31031500/001 AB0010005. gird height:458 (shows exacly 20 rows in IE) Hows the 'losing selection' problem progressing? it is definately when a new page is fetched but intermittent and again it nesses up in firefox allowing highlighting many records but FF allows the doubleclick to happen, IE7 doesn't. I can show you an online demo of the problem, but i'm sure you have made it happen. I think the "losing selection" problem happens whenever a new page is fetched. Hey two questions: Also, while working on this, I noticed a couple of minor issues with the grid code. There's also an issue with wide grids (with a horizontal scrollbar) where every time a new page is fetched, it scrolls back over to the left. When you get down to one record, your returned data is: One thing i did come across (but it's just bad design and you would never do it) is if you fetch 10 rows and your grid shows 20 rows then you in effect can have duplicate rowID's 1-10 and 1-10 as our offset if rownum 10 from the database. Fixes for various scroll=1 issues: - the rowheight was incorrectly calculated on IE and Chrome, resulting in some odd effects when scrolling backwards a line at a time (fixed) - reloadGrid always reset the grid to the top-left scroll position (fixed) - there was no way to tell reloadGr > - editing a row with reloadAfterSubmit set would reset to the top of the grid.base.js. I'll see if I can fix these over the w/e. Extra parameters can be passed to reloadGrid as: grid.trigger("reloadGrid", [ ]), to specify a new page, or grid.trigger("reloadGrid", [ ]) to preserve the selection, and horizontal scroll position. By default, reloadGrid will kill the selection, scroll to the left, but preserve the vertical scroll position. Forum. I turned on multiselect to just see what happens and it works fine for row doubleClicking, I couldn't make it break. Mark / Tony, do you think IE7 has a problem with the naming of the scroll parameter 'scroll' as i thought that was a reserved word? Possibly when your checking if grid is empty because limit is less than rownums, but then why so specific 1 record or 2 records, but > 3 it's fine. I am using scroll with the auto search example. Tony: I've pushed some fixes to my fork of the grid. When do you think u will come out of beta? Also if you come out of beta, please post the changes between this release and the major release. I am trying to make a decision between this grid and http://www.platinumgrid.com/ad. BTW 0 records is wokring fine. Thanks Mark, if you could solve this it wold be great. Definately on the scroll it intermittently falls over, on sorting the columns or seraching/filtering data nothing goes wrong, it like resets itself. I set scroll=0, do the same searching gte it to display 2 or 1 records and it works perfectly. The issue with -ve row numbers, and other oddities is because you're returning invalid data. Keep up the good work on this feature, it is excellent. When it filters down to showing 1 or 2 records it hangs on the LOADING dialog and IE7 throws the error (3 or more recorda re fine.) I did set the rownum to 19, and this time it allowed filtering down to 2 records, but when i filtered to 1 record it flagged the same error. Im about to start working on various scroll issues, including losing selection, so should have fixes later today. Only Happens in IE7 i get 'Invaild Argument'. As usual IE7 is probably being overstrict with some naming convention where FF3 is letting it play. MarkC: Can you post a link to your example? It'll make it easier to reproduce the error. Here's some demo's with some code at bottom, enjoy! Second the constructor makes local copies of the initial values of various callbacks - so changing the value of the callback isnt going to work. In some cases it only uses the local variable to determine whether the callback should be called - and then calls the current value of the callback - which is still a problem if its been set to null.